Automatische Übersetzung:
Punch Dagger (Katar) with Sheath. Culture: Indian, Mughal. Dimensions: L. 14 in. (35.6 cm); L. of blade 7 1/4 in. (18.4 cm); W. 3 3/16 in. (8.1 cm); Wt. 15.2 oz. (430.9 g). Date: late 17th-18th century.
Daggers of this ancient Indian type are known variously as a katar (piercing dagger) or jamadhar (death tooth). Gripped in the fist, they were intended to deliver a deadly punching blow and were used in both war and the hunt. The blade of this example is notable for the delicately chiseled figures of elephants and horses engaged in the hunt.