Dasaratha & Rishyasringa. Ramayana, Bala Kanda. Udaipur, 1712. Dasaratha and Rishyasringa set out on their journey, the sage in a chariot, the King on horseback, and Santa and the queens in a purdah ox-cart. Image taken from Ramayana, Bala Kanda. Originally published/produced in Udaipur, 1712. . Source: Add. 15295, f.49. Language: Sanskrit.
Dasaratha & Rishyasringa. Ramayana, Bala Kanda. Udaipur, 1712. Dasaratha and Rishyasringa set out on their journey, the sage in a chariot, the King on horseback, and Santa and the queens in a purdah ox-cart. Image taken from Ramayana, Bala Kanda. Originally published/produced in Udaipur, 1712. . Source: Add. 15295, f.49. Language: Sanskrit.