
Detail from the stone stela 31, is the accession monument of Siyaj Chan K'awiil II, also bearing two portraits of his father, Yax Nuun Ayiin, as a youth dressed as a Teotihuacan warrior. He carries a spearthrower in one hand and bears a shield decorated with the face of Tlaloc, the Teotihuacan war god, Maya period from Tikal, Guatemala.

Detail from the stone stela 31, is the accession monument of Siyaj Chan K'awiil II, also bearing two portraits of his father, Yax Nuun Ayiin, as a youth dressed as a Teotihuacan warrior. He carries a spearthrower in one hand and bears a shield decorated with the face of Tlaloc, the Teotihuacan war god,  Maya period from Tikal, Guatemala.

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Automatische Übersetzung: Detail von der Steinstele 31 ist das Beitrittsdenkmal von Siyaj Chan K'awiil II, das auch zwei Porträts seines Vaters, Yax Nuun Ayiin, als Jugendlicher trägt, der als Teotihuacan-Krieger gekleidet ist. Er trägt einen Speerwerfer in der einen Hand und einen Schild, verziert mit dem Gesicht von Tlaloc, dem Kriegsgott von Teotihuacan, Maya-Periode aus Tikal, Guatemala.
Detail from the stone stela 31, is the accession monument of Siyaj Chan K'awiil II, also bearing two portraits of his father, Yax Nuun Ayiin, as a youth dressed as a Teotihuacan warrior. He carries a spearthrower in one hand and bears a shield decorated with the face of Tlaloc, the Teotihuacan war god, Maya period from Tikal, Guatemala.
Freigaben (Releases):
Model: Nein - Eigentum: Nein
2032 x 2744 px | 16.0 MB
17.2 x 23.2 cm | 6.8 x 9.1 in (300 dpi)