
Commodore Edward Preble

Portrait of Commodore Edward Preble (1761-1807), early 19th Century, depicting Preble sitting before a window with a view of Mt. Vesuvius and the USS Constitution in the distance. Edward Preble was a United States naval officer who served with great distinction during the 1st Barbary War, leading American attacks on the city of Tripoli and forming the officer corps that would later lead the U.S. Navy in the War of 1812., Anonymous,.

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Commodore Edward Preble
Portrait of Commodore Edward Preble (1761-1807), early 19th Century, depicting Preble sitting before a window with a view of Mt. Vesuvius and the USS Constitution in the distance. Edward Preble was a United States naval officer who served with great distinction during the 1st Barbary War, leading American attacks on the city of Tripoli and forming the officer corps that would later lead the U.S. Navy in the War of 1812., Anonymous,
Album / Universal Images Group / Universal History Archive
Freigaben (Releases):
Model: Nein - Eigentum: Nein
2400 x 2905 px | 19.9 MB
20.3 x 24.6 cm | 8.0 x 9.7 in (300 dpi)