
French noblewoman, 15th century. She wears the sugarloaf (pain de sucre) or hennin with long veil and a band of velvet in front. The bodice is black velvet over gold fabric, and the dress in blue velvet decorated with gold and lined with crimson velvet. Her maid wears a black bonnet, yellow robe and green petticoat. From an illustration by Barthelemy d'Eyck showing the review of arms from Rene of Anjou's "Tournament Book," 1488. Handcoloured illustration drawn and lithographed by Paul Mercuri with text by Camille Bonnard from "Historical Costumes from the 12th to 15th Centuries," Levy Fils, Paris, 1861.

French noblewoman, 15th century. She wears the sugarloaf (pain de sucre) or hennin with long veil and a band of velvet in front. The bodice is black velvet over gold fabric, and the dress in blue velvet decorated with gold and lined with crimson velvet. Her maid wears a black bonnet, yellow robe and green petticoat. From an illustration by Barthelemy d'Eyck showing the review of arms from Rene of Anjou's "Tournament Book," 1488. Handcoloured illustration drawn and lithographed by Paul Mercuri with text by Camille Bonnard from "Historical Costumes from the 12th to 15th Centuries," Levy Fils, Paris, 1861.

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French noblewoman, 15th century. She wears the sugarloaf (pain de sucre) or hennin with long veil and a band of velvet in front. The bodice is black velvet over gold fabric, and the dress in blue velvet decorated with gold and lined with crimson velvet. Her maid wears a black bonnet, yellow robe and green petticoat. From an illustration by Barthelemy d'Eyck showing the review of arms from Rene of Anjou's "Tournament Book," 1488. Handcoloured illustration drawn and lithographed by Paul Mercuri with text by Camille Bonnard from "Historical Costumes from the 12th to 15th Centuries," Levy Fils, Paris, 1861.
Album / Florilegius
Freigaben (Releases):
Model: Nein - Eigentum: Nein
4651 x 6253 px | 83.2 MB
39.4 x 52.9 cm | 15.5 x 20.8 in (300 dpi)