
SAHIB DIN. The two chariots of Rama and Ravana charge at each other. On the right, the horses leading Ravana's chariot have turned into white lions but his serpent standard is drooping. Bibhishana has his eyes fixed firmly on Rama's face and the solar standard above him. Ramayana, Yuddha Kanda. Udaipur, 1652. Source: Add. 15297(1), f.163. Language: Sanskrit.

SAHIB DIN. The two chariots of Rama and Ravana charge at each other. On the right, the horses leading Ravana's chariot have turned into white lions but his serpent standard is drooping. Bibhishana has his eyes fixed firmly on Rama's face and the solar standard above him. Ramayana, Yuddha Kanda. Udaipur, 1652. Source: Add. 15297(1), f.163. Language: Sanskrit.

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The two chariots of Rama and Ravana charge at each other. On the right, the horses leading Ravana's chariot have turned into white lions but his serpent standard is drooping. Bibhishana has his eyes fixed firmly on Rama's face and the solar standard above him. Ramayana, Yuddha Kanda. Udaipur, 1652. Source: Add. 15297(1), f.163. Language: Sanskrit.
Album / British Library
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Image size:
6198 x 3512 px | 62.3 MB
Print size:
52.5 x 29.7 cm | 20.7 x 11.7 in (300 dpi)