Rustic Solicitude (Solicitudo rustica) from The Large Landscapes. Artist: After Pieter Bruegel the Elder (Netherlandish, Breda (?) ca. 1525-1569 Brussels); Johannes van Doetecum the elder (Netherlandish, active 1554-ca. 1600, died 1605); Lucas van Doetecum (Netherlandish, active 1554-72, died before 1589). Dimensions: Sheet: 13 3/4 x 17 15/16 in. (35 x 45.5 cm)
Plate: 12 13/16 x 17 in. (32.6 x 43.2 cm). Publisher: Hieronymus Cock (Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510-1570 Antwerp). Date: ca. 1555-56.