Alfred Stieglitz, Gertrude Käsebier, Miss Minnie Ashley, Japan paper, heliogravure, image size: height: 22.4 cm; width: 17.3 cm, inscribed: recto: lower right on the image carrier (Japan paper) in lead: Gertrude Käsebier, Miss Minnie Ashley (CW 05. X), a. d. cardboard Stamp: cabinet no, next to it in lead: 27, stamp: box no, next to it in lead: 10; stamp: teaching collection of the Staatliche Landesbildstelle Hamburg, next to it in ink: box 10, portrait photography, artistic photography, woman, half-figure portrait, historical person, Minnie Ashley, pictorialism, heliogravure from Camera Work, number 10, 1905.
© Alfred Stieglitz, VEGAP.
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