
Luigi Galvani, Frog Experiment, 18th Century

Frog preparation according to Galvani. Figs. 4 and 5 show rheoscopic frog. Figs. 12 and 13 show a battery of muscles. Luigi Galvani (1737-1798), an Italian physician and physicist, began his re-searches into electrophysiology in the late 1770s. He noticed that the muscles of a frog twitched and contracted when two different metals, shaped into arcs, were placed on the frog's spinal cord and leg. He used similar arcs in his famous frog experiments of 1786 where he claimed that the contraction of the muscle was due to "animal electricity." Later disproved, this idea stated that the electrical current was produced by living tissues in the body.

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Luigi Galvani, Frog Experiment, 18th Century
Traducción automática: Preparación de ranas según Galvani. Higos. 4 y 5 muestran una rana reoscópica. Higos. 12 y 13 muestran una batería de músculos. Luigi Galvani (1737-1798), médico y físico italiano, inició sus investigaciones en electrofisiología a finales de la década de 1770. Se dio cuenta de que los músculos de una rana se contraían y se contraían cuando se colocaban dos metales diferentes, con forma de arcos, en la médula espinal y la pata de la rana. Usó arcos similares en sus famosos experimentos con ranas de 1786, donde afirmó que la contracción del músculo se debía a la "electricidad animal". Posteriormente refutada, esta idea afirmaba que la corriente eléctrica era producida por tejidos vivos del cuerpo.
Frog preparation according to Galvani. Figs. 4 and 5 show rheoscopic frog. Figs. 12 and 13 show a battery of muscles. Luigi Galvani (1737-1798), an Italian physician and physicist, began his re-searches into electrophysiology in the late 1770s. He noticed that the muscles of a frog twitched and contracted when two different metals, shaped into arcs, were placed on the frog's spinal cord and leg. He used similar arcs in his famous frog experiments of 1786 where he claimed that the contraction of the muscle was due to "animal electricity." Later disproved, this idea stated that the electrical current was produced by living tissues in the body.
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Tamaño imagen:
3784 x 2906 px | 31.5 MB
Tamaño impresión:
32.0 x 24.6 cm | 12.6 x 9.7 in (300 dpi)