
JULIA MARGARET CAMERON. Alfred, lord tennyson

Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Artist: Julia Margaret Cameron (British (born India), Calcutta 1815-1879 Kalutara, Ceylon). Dimensions: 35 x 27 cm (13 3/4 x 10 5/8 in. ) irregular. Date: July 4, 1866.
When Cameron's husband retired in 1848 from the Calcutta Council of Education and the Supreme Council of India, they moved to England, settling first in Tunbridge Wells, near Charles's old friend the poet Henry Taylor, and later in Putney Heath, near the poet laureate Alfred, Lord Tennyson and his wife.  For Cameron, these men were not merely friends and neighbors, but also intellectual, spiritual, and artistic advisors.  In 1860, while her husband was in Ceylon checking on the family coffee plantations, Cameron visited the Tennysons' new home at Freshwater on the Isle of Wight and promptly purchased two cottages next door, which she joined together as the new family home.
Cameron's friendship and determination knew no bounds-indeed, her kindness could be overbearing at times.  It took three years of pleading before Cameron convinced Tennyson (who jokingly referred to her models as "victims") to sit for his portrait.

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Alfred, lord tennyson
Traducción automática: Alfredo, Lord Tennyson. Artista: Julia Margaret Cameron (británica (nacida en la India), Calcuta, 1815-1879 Kalutara, Ceilán). Dimensiones: 35 x 27 cm (13 3/4 x 10 5/8 pulg. ) irregular. Fecha: 4 de julio de 1866. Cuando el marido de Cameron se jubiló en 1848 del Consejo de Educación de Calcuta y del Consejo Supremo de la India, se mudaron a Inglaterra, instalándose primero en Tunbridge Wells, cerca del viejo amigo de Charles, el poeta Henry Taylor, y más tarde en Putney. Heath, cerca del poeta laureado Alfred, Lord Tennyson y su esposa. Para Cameron, estos hombres no eran simplemente amigos y vecinos, sino también consejeros intelectuales, espirituales y artísticos. En 1860, mientras su esposo estaba en Ceilán revisando las plantaciones de café de la familia, Cameron visitó la nueva casa de los Tennyson en Freshwater en la Isla de Wight y rápidamente compró dos cabañas al lado, que unió como la nueva casa familiar. La amistad y la determinación de Cameron no conocían límites; de hecho, su amabilidad a veces podía ser autoritaria. Se necesitaron tres años de súplicas antes de que Cameron convenciera a Tennyson (quien en broma se refirió a sus modelos como "víctimas") para posar para su retrato.
Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Artist: Julia Margaret Cameron (British (born India), Calcutta 1815-1879 Kalutara, Ceylon). Dimensions: 35 x 27 cm (13 3/4 x 10 5/8 in. ) irregular. Date: July 4, 1866. When Cameron's husband retired in 1848 from the Calcutta Council of Education and the Supreme Council of India, they moved to England, settling first in Tunbridge Wells, near Charles's old friend the poet Henry Taylor, and later in Putney Heath, near the poet laureate Alfred, Lord Tennyson and his wife. For Cameron, these men were not merely friends and neighbors, but also intellectual, spiritual, and artistic advisors. In 1860, while her husband was in Ceylon checking on the family coffee plantations, Cameron visited the Tennysons' new home at Freshwater on the Isle of Wight and promptly purchased two cottages next door, which she joined together as the new family home. Cameron's friendship and determination knew no bounds-indeed, her kindness could be overbearing at times. It took three years of pleading before Cameron convinced Tennyson (who jokingly referred to her models as "victims") to sit for his portrait.
Albumen silver print from glass negative
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA
Album / Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY
Modelo: No - Propiedad: No
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Tamaño imagen:
3276 x 4094 px | 38.4 MB
Tamaño impresión:
27.7 x 34.7 cm | 10.9 x 13.6 in (300 dpi)