
Model Cattle stable from the tomb of Meketre

Model Cattle stable from the tomb of Meketre. Dimensions: l. 72.5 cm (28 9/16 in); w. 57 cm (22 7/16 in); h. 28.5 cm (11 1/4 in)
average height of cattle: 18 cm (7 1/16 in.). Dynasty: Dynasty 12. Reign: reign of Amenemhat I, early. Date: ca. 1981-1975 B.C..
This model of a stable was found with twenty three other models of boats, gardens, and workshops in a hidden chamber at the side of the passage leading into the rock cut tomb of the royal chief steward Meketre, who began his career under King Nebhepetre Mentuhotep II of Dynasty 11 and continued to serve successive kings into the early years of Dynasty 12.
Cattle are being fattened for slaughter in this stable. Four oxen feed from a manger in the large stall; two others are being hand fed by the stablemen from a pile of fodder and a sack of grain in the room in front. One of the cattle is so fat he can no longer stand. By the door sits an overseer with a baton in his hand.
All the accessible rooms in the tomb of Meketre had been robbed and plundered already during Antiquity; but early in 1920 the Museum's excavator, Herbert Winlock, wanted to obtain an accurate floor plan of the tomb's layout for his map of the Eleventh Dynasty necropolis at Thebes and, therefore, had his workmen clean out the accumulated debris. It was during this cleaning operation that the small hidden chamber was discovered, filled with twenty-four almost perfectly preserved models. Eventually, half of these went to the Egyptian Museum, Cairo, and the other half came to the Metropolitan Museum in the partition of finds.

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Model Cattle stable from the tomb of Meketre
Traducción automática: Maqueta de establo procedente de la tumba de Meketre. Dimensiones: l. 72,5 cm (28 9/16 pulg.); w. 57 cm (22 7/16 pulg.); h. 28,5 cm (11 1/4 pulg.) Altura promedio del ganado: 18 cm (7 1/16 pulg.). Dinastía: Dinastía 12. Reinado: reinado de Amenemhat I, temprano. Fecha: ca. 1981-1975 a.C. Este modelo de establo se encontró junto con otros veintitrés modelos de barcos, jardines y talleres en una cámara oculta al lado del pasaje que conduce a la tumba excavada en la roca del mayordomo real Meketre, quien comenzó su carrera bajo el rey Nebhepetre Mentuhotep. II de la Dinastía 11 y continuó sirviendo a reyes sucesivos hasta los primeros años de la Dinastía 12. En este establo se engorda ganado para el matadero. Cuatro bueyes comen en un pesebre en el gran establo; Los mozos de cuadra alimentan a otros dos con un montón de forraje y un saco de grano que hay en la habitación de enfrente. Uno de los animales está tan gordo que ya no puede mantenerse en pie. Junto a la puerta está sentado un capataz con un bastón en la mano. Todas las habitaciones accesibles de la tumba de Meketre ya habían sido robadas y saqueadas durante la Antigüedad; pero a principios de 1920, el excavador del Museo, Herbert Winlock, quería obtener un plano preciso de la disposición de la tumba para su mapa de la necrópolis de la XI Dinastía en Tebas y, por lo tanto, hizo que sus trabajadores limpiaran los escombros acumulados. Fue durante esta operación de limpieza cuando se descubrió la pequeña cámara oculta, llena de veinticuatro modelos casi perfectamente conservados. Finalmente, la mitad de ellos fueron al Museo Egipcio de El Cairo y la otra mitad llegó al Museo Metropolitano en la sección de hallazgos.
Model Cattle stable from the tomb of Meketre. Dimensions: l. 72.5 cm (28 9/16 in); w. 57 cm (22 7/16 in); h. 28.5 cm (11 1/4 in) average height of cattle: 18 cm (7 1/16 in.). Dynasty: Dynasty 12. Reign: reign of Amenemhat I, early. Date: ca. 1981-1975 B.C.. This model of a stable was found with twenty three other models of boats, gardens, and workshops in a hidden chamber at the side of the passage leading into the rock cut tomb of the royal chief steward Meketre, who began his career under King Nebhepetre Mentuhotep II of Dynasty 11 and continued to serve successive kings into the early years of Dynasty 12. Cattle are being fattened for slaughter in this stable. Four oxen feed from a manger in the large stall; two others are being hand fed by the stablemen from a pile of fodder and a sack of grain in the room in front. One of the cattle is so fat he can no longer stand. By the door sits an overseer with a baton in his hand. All the accessible rooms in the tomb of Meketre had been robbed and plundered already during Antiquity; but early in 1920 the Museum's excavator, Herbert Winlock, wanted to obtain an accurate floor plan of the tomb's layout for his map of the Eleventh Dynasty necropolis at Thebes and, therefore, had his workmen clean out the accumulated debris. It was during this cleaning operation that the small hidden chamber was discovered, filled with twenty-four almost perfectly preserved models. Eventually, half of these went to the Egyptian Museum, Cairo, and the other half came to the Metropolitan Museum in the partition of finds.
Plastered and painted wood, gesso
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA
Album / Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY
Modelo: No - Propiedad: No
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Tamaño imagen:
4192 x 3354 px | 40.2 MB
Tamaño impresión:
35.5 x 28.4 cm | 14.0 x 11.2 in (300 dpi)