
Marie Louise, Duchess of Parma, second wife of Napoleon Bonaparte, 1815. Artist: T Blood

Marie Louise, Duchess of Parma, second wife of Napoleon Bonaparte, 1815. The eldest daughter of Francis II of Austria, Marie Louise (1791-1847) became Empress of the French when she married Napoleon in 1810. After he was forced to abdicate in 1814 she returned to Austria, refusing to join him either in exile or after he returned to France in 1815.

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Marie Louise, Duchess of Parma, second wife of Napoleon Bonaparte, 1815. Artist: T Blood
Traducción automática: María Luisa, Duquesa de Parma, segunda esposa de Napoleón Bonaparte, 1815. La hija mayor de Francisco II de Austria, María Luisa (1791-1847) se convirtió en Emperatriz de los franceses cuando se casó con Napoleón en 1810. Después de que él se vio obligado a abdicar en En 1814 regresó a Austria, negándose a unirse a él ni en el exilio ni después de su regreso a Francia en 1815.
Marie Louise, Duchess of Parma, second wife of Napoleon Bonaparte, 1815. The eldest daughter of Francis II of Austria, Marie Louise (1791-1847) became Empress of the French when she married Napoleon in 1810. After he was forced to abdicate in 1814 she returned to Austria, refusing to join him either in exile or after he returned to France in 1815.
Album / The Print Collector / Heritage Images
Modelo: No - Propiedad: No
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Tamaño imagen:
2941 x 3560 px | 30.0 MB
Tamaño impresión:
24.9 x 30.1 cm | 9.8 x 11.9 in (300 dpi)
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