
YVES TANGUY. exquisite corpse

Exquisite Corpse. 1927. Joan Miro and Man Ray, Yves Tanguy, and Max Morise (from bottom to top). Exquisite cadaver. 1927. Game of paper folded in four, each artist working on their section without seeing the other sections and knowing only the title.. These photographic works are protected by legislation concerning literary and artistic property in all countries. Royalties are handled by ADAGP. To publish or diffuse these photographs, you must imperatively obtain the authorization of ADAGP or its correspondents abroad and to pay corresponding royalties. If you download this image in high definition, your postal address, telephone number and e-mail address will automatically be forwarded to ADAGP.. ADAGP - 11,rue Berryer - Paris. Tel. : (33) 1 43 59 09 79. Fax : (33) 1 45 63 44 89. E-mail : Web :

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exquisite corpse
Exquisite Corpse. 1927. Joan Miro and Man Ray, Yves Tanguy, and Max Morise (from bottom to top). Exquisite cadaver. 1927. Game of paper folded in four, each artist working on their section without seeing the other sections and knowing only the title.. These photographic works are protected by legislation concerning literary and artistic property in all countries. Royalties are handled by ADAGP. To publish or diffuse these photographs, you must imperatively obtain the authorization of ADAGP or its correspondents abroad and to pay corresponding royalties. If you download this image in high definition, your postal address, telephone number and e-mail address will automatically be forwarded to ADAGP.. ADAGP - 11,rue Berryer - Paris. Tel. : (33) 1 43 59 09 79. Fax : (33) 1 45 63 44 89. E-mail : Web :
Album / Photo12/Archives Snark
© Yves Tanguy, VEGAP.
Los derechos de autor del artista deben liquidarse si la obra no está en dominio público en el país para el que se contrata la licencia.
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Modelo: No - Propiedad: No
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Tamaño imagen:
3209 x 4961 px | 45.5 MB
Tamaño impresión:
27.2 x 42.0 cm | 10.7 x 16.5 in (300 dpi)
Palabras clave: