
Plan of a structure, comprising of several buildings on a coast. SIXTY-SEVEN Charts and maps illustrating the voyages and surveys of Capt. James Cook, R.N., and other discoverers; circ. 1760- 1780. c 1760-1780. Source: Add. 31360, no.10.

Plan of a structure, comprising of several buildings on a coast. SIXTY-SEVEN Charts and maps illustrating the voyages and surveys of Capt. James Cook, R.N., and other discoverers; circ. 1760- 1780. c 1760-1780. Source: Add. 31360, no.10.

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Plan of a structure, comprising of several buildings on a coast. SIXTY-SEVEN Charts and maps illustrating the voyages and surveys of Capt. James Cook, R.N., and other discoverers; circ. 1760- 1780. c 1760-1780. Source: Add. 31360, no.10.
Album / British Library
Modelo: No - Propiedad: No
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Tamaño imagen:
8439 x 6469 px | 156.2 MB
Tamaño impresión:
71.5 x 54.8 cm | 28.1 x 21.6 in (300 dpi)