
Instruments Used in Cupping and Amputations, 1743

A selection of 18th century instruments used in cupping and amputations. Fig 1 to 3: Items used in cupping, including cupping glass, scalpel or scarificator and representation of the cutting marks on the skin that are to be covered by the cupping glass. Fig 4: A cubical scarificator (maker of the marks in fig 3). Fig 5: A representation of a leech. Fig 6 and 7: A needle and hammer used in acupuncture. Fig 8: A cauterizing iron. Fig 9: A leather swath used instead of deligation for issues in the arm. Fig 10: A syringe used for injections in the urethra and vagina. Fig 11: The soles of the feet that the Italian physician Mistichellius directs to be cauterized in Apoplexies. Fig 12: Representation of the method of burning the part affected by gout with the Indian moxa. Fig 13: Several encysted tumors on the face and neck. Fig 14: A scalpel used in extracting tumors of the neck or glands. Fig 15: A hand of an infant with six fingers, the sixth finger being later amputated by using the scalpel. Fig 16: Various afflictions to the hand prior to them being amputated. Fig 17: Method of amputating the big toe by the use of a mallet and chisel. Engraving, 1743.

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Instruments Used in Cupping and Amputations, 1743
A selection of 18th century instruments used in cupping and amputations. Fig 1 to 3: Items used in cupping, including cupping glass, scalpel or scarificator and representation of the cutting marks on the skin that are to be covered by the cupping glass. Fig 4: A cubical scarificator (maker of the marks in fig 3). Fig 5: A representation of a leech. Fig 6 and 7: A needle and hammer used in acupuncture. Fig 8: A cauterizing iron. Fig 9: A leather swath used instead of deligation for issues in the arm. Fig 10: A syringe used for injections in the urethra and vagina. Fig 11: The soles of the feet that the Italian physician Mistichellius directs to be cauterized in Apoplexies. Fig 12: Representation of the method of burning the part affected by gout with the Indian moxa. Fig 13: Several encysted tumors on the face and neck. Fig 14: A scalpel used in extracting tumors of the neck or glands. Fig 15: A hand of an infant with six fingers, the sixth finger being later amputated by using the scalpel. Fig 16: Various afflictions to the hand prior to them being amputated. Fig 17: Method of amputating the big toe by the use of a mallet and chisel. Engraving, 1743.
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3900 x 2354 px | 26.3 MB
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33.0 x 19.9 cm | 13.0 x 7.8 in (300 dpi)