Ancient Roman musical instruments. A timbrel of tambour de Basque (1), a citharistria or female minstrel (2), a double lituus (3), Pan playing on the syrinx (4), a bacchanal playing on two flutes of the same pitch, tibiae pares (5), antique theatrical masques (6,7), and a genuine ancient metalline Lituus (8). Copperplate engraving from Abraham Rees' Cyclopedia or Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and Literature, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, London, 1820.
Ancient Roman musical instruments. A timbrel of tambour de Basque (1), a citharistria or female minstrel (2), a double lituus (3), Pan playing on the syrinx (4), a bacchanal playing on two flutes of the same pitch, tibiae pares (5), antique theatrical masques (6,7), and a genuine ancient metalline Lituus (8). Copperplate engraving from Abraham Rees' Cyclopedia or Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and Literature, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, London, 1820.