
Tovar Codex, Aztec Tonalpohualli Calendar

Aztec Tonalpohualli calendar with a sun at the center of the wheel. The Aztecs used two calendars to compute the days of the year. Xiuhpohualli (the first, or solar, calendar) consisted of 365 days, divided into 18 months of 20 units each, plus an additional period of five empty or unlucky days at the end of the year. Tonalpohualli (day count calendar) had a cycle made up of 260 days, combinations of 13 numbers and 20 symbols. The second calendar was divided into four sections: the acatl (reed), the tochtli (rabbit), the calli (house), and the tecpatl (flint). The acatl section of the calendar wheel is green, the color of the paradise of Tamoanchan, and represents the east. The tochtli section is blue and represents the south. The calli section is in white (here the artist has used yellow) and represents the west. The tecpatl section is the color of sacrifice or red and represents the north. The Tovar Codex (16th century) contains detailed information about the rites and ceremonies of the Aztecs. The codex is illustrated with 51 full-page paintings in watercolor. Illustration taken from a 19th century transcript of Juan de Tovar's Historia de la benida de los yndios apoblar a Mexico (the Co´dice Tovar).

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Tovar Codex, Aztec Tonalpohualli Calendar
Traducción automática: Calendario azteca Tonalpohualli con un sol en el centro de la rueda. Los aztecas utilizaban dos calendarios para computar los días del año. Xiuhpohualli (el primer calendario, o solar) constaba de 365 días, divididos en 18 meses de 20 unidades cada uno, más un periodo adicional de cinco días vacíos o de mala suerte al final del año. Tonalpohualli (calendario de conteo de días) tenía un ciclo formado por 260 días, combinaciones de 13 números y 20 símbolos. El segundo calendario se dividía en cuatro secciones: el acatl (caña), el tochtli (conejo), el calli (casa) y el tecpatl (pedernal). La sección acatl de la rueda del calendario es verde, el color del paraíso de Tamoanchan, y representa el este. La sección tochtli es azul y representa el sur. La sección calli es de color blanco (aquí el artista ha utilizado amarillo) y representa el oeste. La sección tecpatl es del color del sacrificio o rojo y representa el norte. El Códice Tovar (siglo XVI) contiene información detallada sobre los ritos y ceremonias de los aztecas. El códice está ilustrado con 51 pinturas a página completa en acuarela. Ilustración tomada de una transcripción del siglo XIX de la Historia de la bendición de los indios apoblados de México (el Códice Tovar) de Juan de Tovar
Aztec Tonalpohualli calendar with a sun at the center of the wheel. The Aztecs used two calendars to compute the days of the year. Xiuhpohualli (the first, or solar, calendar) consisted of 365 days, divided into 18 months of 20 units each, plus an additional period of five empty or unlucky days at the end of the year. Tonalpohualli (day count calendar) had a cycle made up of 260 days, combinations of 13 numbers and 20 symbols. The second calendar was divided into four sections: the acatl (reed), the tochtli (rabbit), the calli (house), and the tecpatl (flint). The acatl section of the calendar wheel is green, the color of the paradise of Tamoanchan, and represents the east. The tochtli section is blue and represents the south. The calli section is in white (here the artist has used yellow) and represents the west. The tecpatl section is the color of sacrifice or red and represents the north. The Tovar Codex (16th century) contains detailed information about the rites and ceremonies of the Aztecs. The codex is illustrated with 51 full-page paintings in watercolor. Illustration taken from a 19th century transcript of Juan de Tovar's Historia de la benida de los yndios apoblar a Mexico (the Co´dice Tovar).
Album / Science Source / LOC/Jay I. Kislak Collection
Modelo: No - Propiedad: No
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Tamaño imagen:
4350 x 3192 px | 39.7 MB
Tamaño impresión:
36.8 x 27.0 cm | 14.5 x 10.6 in (300 dpi)