ARISTOTELES y IBN BAKHTISHU'. Four each of lice, ticks, mites, weevils. Kitab Na't al-hayawan (book of the characteristics of animals). Middle East, 13th century. A treatise on animals and the medical properties of the various parts of their bodies, compiled from works of Aristotle and Ibn Bakhtishu'. Source: Or. 2784 f.253r. Language: Arabic.
Four each of lice, ticks, mites, weevils. Kitab Na't al-hayawan (book of the characteristics of animals). Middle East, 13th century. A treatise on animals and the medical properties of the various parts of their bodies, compiled from works of Aristotle and Ibn Bakhtishu'. Source: Or. 2784 f.253r. Language: Arabic.
Album / British Library
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