
Gordon Parker of Melbourne, a former corporal with BCOF, with his pretty wife Cherry and their two children Margaret and Kathleen. In January Mrs. Parker had a son.Japanese War Bride in Cairns***** liner Taiping to-night.With him was his Japanese wife-the first permitted in to Australia by the Commonwealth Government-and their two children. Margaret will be three years of age next month, and Kathleen is aged 12 months.Mr. Parker, who was discharged from the army in January, 1949, said to-night he was not in the least worried about returning to Australia.The only emotion he felt was gladness at being home again. July 08, 1952.

Gordon Parker of Melbourne, a former corporal with BCOF, with his pretty wife Cherry and their two children Margaret and Kathleen. In January Mrs. Parker had a son.Japanese War Bride in Cairns***** liner Taiping to-night.With him was his Japanese wife-the first permitted in to Australia by the Commonwealth Government-and their two children. Margaret will be three years of age next month, and Kathleen is aged 12 months.Mr. Parker, who was discharged from the army in January, 1949, said to-night he was not in the least worried about returning to Australia.The only emotion he felt was gladness at being home again. July 08, 1952.

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Gordon Parker of Melbourne, a former corporal with BCOF, with his pretty wife Cherry and their two children Margaret and Kathleen. In January Mrs. Parker had a son.Japanese War Bride in Cairns***** liner Taiping to-night.With him was his Japanese wife-the first permitted in to Australia by the Commonwealth Government-and their two children. Margaret will be three years of age next month, and Kathleen is aged 12 months.Mr. Parker, who was discharged from the army in January, 1949, said to-night he was not in the least worried about returning to Australia.The only emotion he felt was gladness at being home again. July 08, 1952.
Album / SuperStock / Sydney Morning Herald
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1755 x 2363 px | 11.9 MB
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14.9 x 20.0 cm | 5.8 x 7.9 in (300 dpi)
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