
Politeness, Phenakistiscope,1833

In 1829, Joseph Plateau invented the phenakisticope (from root words meaning; to deceive or cheat the eye) the first widespread animation device that created a fluid illusion of motion, and one of the first forms of moving media entertainment. This one was published in McLean's Optical Illusions; or magic panorama (1833). When spun, it shows a man bowing and a woman curtsying to each other in a circle at the outer edge of the disc.

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Politeness, Phenakistiscope,1833
In 1829, Joseph Plateau invented the phenakisticope (from root words meaning; to deceive or cheat the eye) the first widespread animation device that created a fluid illusion of motion, and one of the first forms of moving media entertainment. This one was published in McLean's Optical Illusions; or magic panorama (1833). When spun, it shows a man bowing and a woman curtsying to each other in a circle at the outer edge of the disc.
Album / Science Source / Library of Congress
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Taille de l'image:
3066 x 3046 px | 26.7 MB
Taille d'impression:
26.0 x 25.8 cm | 10.2 x 10.2 in (300 dpi)
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