
Topographical Map of Coordinates 0 N, 90 E

Topographical map of the Earth, centered on 0 degrees North, 90 degrees East. The major land masses shown here are India, Southeast Asia and Australia surrounded by the Indian Ocean. The seas and oceans are color-coded by depth and land colors are based on MODIS true-color data from the Terra satellite in 2004 where darker regions represent highlands. Turquoise regions represent the continental shelf and descend to around 150 meters before dropping off abruptly at the shelf break. The descent of the continental slope to the ocean floor is shown as increasingly dark shades of blue.

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Topographical Map of Coordinates 0 N, 90 E
Topographical map of the Earth, centered on 0 degrees North, 90 degrees East. The major land masses shown here are India, Southeast Asia and Australia surrounded by the Indian Ocean. The seas and oceans are color-coded by depth and land colors are based on MODIS true-color data from the Terra satellite in 2004 where darker regions represent highlands. Turquoise regions represent the continental shelf and descend to around 150 meters before dropping off abruptly at the shelf break. The descent of the continental slope to the ocean floor is shown as increasingly dark shades of blue.
Album / NOAA/Science Source
Modèle: Non - Propriété: Non
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Taille de l'image:
2400 x 2400 px | 16.5 MB
Taille d'impression:
20.3 x 20.3 cm | 8.0 x 8.0 in (300 dpi)