
WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. Macbeth. Act IV. Scene I. A dark cave. In the middle a cauldron boiling. Three witches. Macbeth. Hecate. Macbeth faces the witches and the apparitions; by his feet, inside a coiled snake, stand a small bloody child and a child wearing a crown and holding a tree, behind them are the kings, one holding a mirror, and a large figure of a soldier, pointing; the witches sit on the far right, Hecate in the middle, with her forefinger pointing upwards. . A Collection of Prints, from pictures painted for the purpose of illustrating the Dramatic Works of Shakspeare, by the Artists of Great Britain. London : J. & J. Boydell, 1803. Source: Tab.599.c. plate 39. Language: English.

WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. Macbeth.  Act IV. Scene I.  A dark cave. In the middle a cauldron boiling. Three witches. Macbeth. Hecate.  Macbeth faces the witches and the apparitions; by his feet, inside a coiled snake, stand a small bloody child and a child wearing a crown and holding a tree, behind them are the kings, one holding a mirror, and a large figure of a soldier, pointing; the witches sit on the far right, Hecate in the middle, with her forefinger pointing upwards.  . A Collection of Prints, from pictures painted for the purpose of illustrating the Dramatic Works of Shakspeare, by the Artists of Great Britain. London : J. & J. Boydell, 1803. Source: Tab.599.c. plate 39. Language: English.

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Macbeth. Act IV. Scene I. A dark cave. In the middle a cauldron boiling. Three witches. Macbeth. Hecate. Macbeth faces the witches and the apparitions; by his feet, inside a coiled snake, stand a small bloody child and a child wearing a crown and holding a tree, behind them are the kings, one holding a mirror, and a large figure of a soldier, pointing; the witches sit on the far right, Hecate in the middle, with her forefinger pointing upwards. . A Collection of Prints, from pictures painted for the purpose of illustrating the Dramatic Works of Shakspeare, by the Artists of Great Britain. London : J. & J. Boydell, 1803. Source: Tab.599.c. plate 39. Language: English.
Album / British Library
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Taille de l'image:
6956 x 4728 px | 94.1 MB
Taille d'impression:
58.9 x 40.0 cm | 23.2 x 15.8 in (300 dpi)