The Actor Ichimura Kamezo I as Tachibanaya Hikoso in the play "Ume Momiji Date no Okido," performed at the Ichimura Theater in the eleventh month. Suzuki Harunobu ?? ??; Japanese, 1725 (?)-1770. Date: 1760. Dimensions: 30.5 x 13.8 cm. Color woodblock print; hosoban, benizuri-e. Origin: Japan.
The Actor Ichimura Kamezo I as Tachibanaya Hikoso in the play "Ume Momiji Date no Okido," performed at the Ichimura Theater in the eleventh month. Suzuki Harunobu ?? ??; Japanese, 1725 (?)-1770. Date: 1760. Dimensions: 30.5 x 13.8 cm. Color woodblock print; hosoban, benizuri-e. Origin: Japan.
The Chicago Art Institute, ETATS-UNIS D'AMERIQUE (USA)